Wednesday, May 19, 2021

New on Sports Illustrated: DI Council Adjusts Transfer Waiver Guidelines, Sets Date for NIL Action

The NCAA Division I Council approved new transfer guidelines for athletes who aren’t eligible for the one-time transfer exception.

The NCAA Division I Council approved new transfer waiver guidelines for athletes who aren’t eligible for the one-time transfer exception, which was

approved last month

The new guidelines will take effect in January 2022 for athletes requesting a transfer waiver to compete immediately in 2022-23.

For players who have transferred once already seeking immediate eligibility: "A student must meet the current education-impacting disability guideline or an updated guideline that addresses a “real and imminent health & safety” threat."

The disability guideline will require athletes to provide documentation that proves they need support services and/or treatment that is available at the school they transferred to but was was unavailable or inadequate at their previous institution. 

“These guidelines provide an opportunity for student-athletes with the greatest need to transfer and compete immediately,” said Working Group on Transfers chair and Council vice chair Jon Steinbrecher, commissioner of the Mid-American Conference, in a press release. “The delayed effective date is the fairest way to accommodate student-athletes who entered the Transfer Portal with the current waiver guidelines in place.”

The Division I Council also stated it would act on name, image and likeness legislation during its June 22-23, just one week before the effective date of NIL laws in five states. 

More College Coverage: 

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